This app is for the 2015 AATE/ALEA National Conference 3-6 July, in Canberra. The conference theme is CAPiTALiSiNG ON CURiOSiTY: ninggi warrguu - look and ask why - Nurturing Inquiring Minds.
‘The first and simplest emotion which we discover in the human mind is curiosity.’ - Edmund Burke
In a context of globalised social, cultural and environmental change, and the rise of new communication technologies, English and literacy educators play an important role in guiding learners through the unchartered territory of the future and to imagine new possibilities.
Curiosity is key.
The app will assist delegates to ‘Capitalise on Curiosity’ as they explore the conference themes: nurturing curiosity in practice - nurturing inquiry through research - nurturing creativity in curriculum.
Free to download, the app is easy to use and will provide delegates with up-to-date information about the conference.
The 2015 AATE/ALEA National Conference app will allow you to:
• access the full program with session details and presenter biographies
• plan your schedule
• take notes, in app during sessions, and share notes via email
• download speaker handouts
• locate rooms in the Convention Centre
• connect with fellow delegates using direct messaging or via social media
• receive announcements from conference organisers
• recognise and locate conference sponsors